Road to Success - United Way

Family Promise HCR is excited to announce the partnership with United Way and the participation as a case management site for the Road to Success Program. This program provides workforce development and removes barriers that prevent successful employment in individuals.
FPHCR will serve as one of six case management sites for United Way’s Road to Success program.
The Road to Success program helps the un- and underemployed in Dauphin, Cumberland, and Perry Counties obtain jobs where they can earn a living wage and find a path to financial independence. It also provides comprehensive support services through the first year of employment. This includes training on soft skills and help with transportation and child care.
Participant qualifications include:
At least 18 years of age
Qualifying income
Must have a willingness to work and be coachable
Participants with and without children are welcome
Individuals who may be interested in participating in the Road to Success program can call FPHCR
at 717-737-1100 or email to obtain an application.
Click or scan the QR code to go directly to the Road to Success Interest Form.