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What We Do

Family Promise coordinates compassion, local resources/partners, and skill-building opportunities to address the root causes of family homelessness. We address the issue holistically, providing prevention services before families reach crisis and shelter and case management when they become homeless. We tap existing local resources to empower families towards economic stability. Families come to us in crisis; we help them rebuild their lives with new skills and ongoing support.

Our staff members, Stacey and Susan, were interviewed by Sylvia Maus on her radio show. You can listen to their compelling interview here



Preventing families from becoming homeless in the first

place with case management, community resources,

and skill-building classes.


Shelter Program

Our rotational shelter program and warm hospitality is the foundation of the Family Promise model.


Road to Success

R2S is our partnership with United Way where we serve as a case management site for the Road to Success Program.  This program provides workforce development and removes barriers that prevent successful employment in individuals. 

How does Family Promise work?

Click on Addy's video to learn how we make a difference.

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Matt Wagner shares our story.Watch the video to learn about our services.

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Want to support Family Promise?

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